Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Amazing Ingrid Rivera

Christine called and told me she witnessed an amazing performance art piece by Ingrid Rivera, who through her one-woman show, Lágrimas de Cocodrilo/Crocodile Tears explores issues of abuse of women by women. Christine spoke with Ingrid after the show and blogged about some of the conversation and the event.
(Ingrid) said, "You know, when a straight woman is in therapy because of being abused by a man, they don't question if she's straight because of the abuse, do they?" and of course, the answer is no. I have several male friends who have been abused by men and are straight. Most of the women I know who have been abused in childhood are straight. It infuriates me sometimes that straight people don't have to work through their abuse issues while also having to answer questions about their orientation and if the abuse "caused it."
Read all of Christine's insightful account of the event here.


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